Otherwise: An FTL-RP

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Re: Otherwise: An FTL-RP

Postby AI41 » Thu Jan 25, 2018 7:10 am

"By that language, and my understanding of it, you know that Federation soldiers have committed some piracy, and there are accusations that some soldiers have committed quite serious levels of piracy. I can understand. Could you tell me anything about a Lanius cruiser, or places capable of hiding it securely, you are permitted to disclose?"
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Re: Otherwise: An FTL-RP

Postby Jumbocarrot0 » Thu Jan 25, 2018 7:21 am

AI41 wrote:"By that language, and my understanding of it, you know that Federation soldiers have committed some piracy, and there are accusations that some soldiers have committed quite serious levels of piracy. I can understand. Could you tell me anything about a Lanius cruiser, or places capable of hiding it securely, you are permitted to disclose?"

"Ok fine, if you wish. It is positive that the Federation did confiscate the Kruos for no clear reason. They will say it was gifted but that is not true. They say they will give it back when they reconstruct a copy along with an alternative verison of it."
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Re: Otherwise: An FTL-RP

Postby AI41 » Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:21 am

"Thank you Turzil. With that information, I might be able to score a little bit of money from my boss, which we could definitely have use for."
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Re: Otherwise: An FTL-RP

Postby dyno101 » Sat Jan 27, 2018 8:44 pm

"I'm not entirely sure what's-"

The trapdoor to the crew room they were sitting in burst open, letting in three armed crewmen.

"General Turzil, I'm sorry we found you in this state. Dargjas, Algen, Mawkish - you're all under arrest. As long as you put your hands up and submit, we won't have to hurt anyone."

"Wait, what?!"

"I said put your hands up. Comply and nobody gets hurt."

"This is why I told you to turn of the communications system! You don't-"

Algen quickly rethought his words and complied, dropping the data pad he had kept with him. One of the federation officers picked it up.

"Does this belong to you?" The officer asked. "Let me see what's on that."

"Hang on a second, that's not even legal!" Algen responded.

"This doesn't say Algen on it anywhere. What do you think you're doing? What is this crew you have going?"

"Who told you to arrest us?" Algen asked, as calmly as he could.
"We got a transmission from a long-distance Federation communications station that this crew is a wanted target. We're doing our duty.

Algen quickly realized what had happened. "Those aren't Federation officers! You're being fooled!"

"You'd like to say that. I'm going to go figure out what to do with you people. These two will stay here and keep the three of you in custody. General Turzil, come with us. We're getting you somewhere safer."
"There isn't good or bad. There's just insane."
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Re: Otherwise: An FTL-RP

Postby Jumbocarrot0 » Sat Jan 27, 2018 9:14 pm

Turzil had no idea where these people got their information, he wasn't even a general anymore just a monitor of the FIA. But his subroutines decided that it was saver and wiser to no correct them and just comply. He followed what seemed to be the leader out of the room.
"My ship is safely docked nearby." He said, "I'll just get them to teleport us aboard." He sent a teleportation request to his scout and little more then 5 seconds later they were beamed aboard the Federation scout. "We are sorry for the inconvenience General sir, we would've came sooner if we knew where you were."
"My gratitude is upon you, however if you wouldn't mind could I please look over the transmission that brought the reasoning of this arrest?"
"As you wish sir." The officer guided Turzil to into the helm. The officer then opened some displays showing this transmission:

Current Most Wanted Felons
1. Dargjas Verik (Lanius)
2. Dread Pirate Tuco (Human)
3. Mawkish Busso (Slug)
4. Algen 'No last name give' (Human)
5. Kazaakpleith (Mantis)

Turzil was confused by the transmission. "This list doesn't even have a reason for conviction."
"We follow orders sir, not check them."
"It is an obvious forgery, the only entities on this list are the three journalists and two very well known criminals, anyone with basic stereotypical knowledge of pirates could make this. Not to mention that..."
"I'm going to stop you there sir. This is from a Federation owned long distance communications stations, also a very well trusted and well armed one. It would take some with quite a bit of power to..."
"Studies show the under paid worker crisis due to the Federation's immense debt is causing Federation workers to be more and more susceptible to bribery, might I suggest that the workers at the station..."
"Are you suggesting that well known and trusted employees would be...
"Susceptible to bribes? Yes."
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Re: Otherwise: An FTL-RP

Postby AI41 » Wed Jan 31, 2018 9:17 am

Good to see things picked up again.

“Damn.” Dargjas muttered to himself when Turzil had left. “I can understand about me being wanted, but I have no idea what hat the damn Federation pulled out that you two were wanted. Wait, Algen, I don’t think I Englished properly. Correct me if I got anything wrong.” One of the guards told Dargjas to shut up. It only infuriated Dargjas, who was already a bit pissed at the Federation, for way too many reasons. Dargjas thought. “4Lia, why did I get into this mess? I would have been better at home, with what was you.” Dargjas began to cry, or at least the Lanius equivalent.
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Re: Otherwise: An FTL-RP

Postby Jumbocarrot0 » Wed Jan 31, 2018 9:54 am

The officer was obviously embarrassed by Turzil's accusation and decided to shift the topic. "Let's get you somewhere safer. We'll send you to a nearby base soon while the three journalists will be taken to a temporary crinimal holding station while we work out some stuff." He picked up the data pad. "Let's see what we got here."
"It's nothing but maps of the ship and crew details, it was found in the crew cabins, nothing of interest to you."
"You know this how?" The officer said while uploading it to the computer.
"I scanned it he asked me to."
"So you were forced to to it, like a slave?"
"What? No! I..." Turzil could barely finish his sentence before the over dramatic officer got on the comms to the guards on the ship.
"Commander Marc Chase calling Guards, the three journalists have been confirmed by Turzil to have enslaved him against his will. Transport them to the transport ship immediately."
"I think there's been a tiny."
"No worries sir, these horrible people will be put to justice, with you as a witness." He walked out the room to introduce his narcissistic self to these 'horrible people.'

The two guards recieved the transmission. "You three, come with us." One of the guards said, "A transport ship will dock shortly to collect you crinimal scum. Not only have you defied Federation but also have the moxie to enslave an engi general, you're no better then slugs." The guard said the last part not knowing what a slug looked like. It took the whisper of the other guard to make him realise what Maw was. "I, meant mantis." He stammered out, even crinimals shouldn't have to be subject to racism.
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Re: Otherwise: An FTL-RP

Postby Chickengames » Wed Jan 31, 2018 11:40 pm

Maw had been silent since the guards had arrested them. One remark the guard had made almost made him loose his concentration. He shot the guard a nasty glare. There were so many things he wanted to say at that moment, but he held his tongue. His mind, however, he let roam free. Maw focused on that guard in particular, gleaning information about him from his thoughts. He continued as they were led onto the transport. Let’s see... he’s embarrassed (fuckin should be)... pain in his side... from a kick by a boarder... wants food... damn this guy is boring... crew meeting later... They arrived at the transport. Nothing As they boarded, the transport guards put them in species appropriate restraints.
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Re: Otherwise: An FTL-RP

Postby AI41 » Thu Feb 01, 2018 12:40 am

Dargjas stopped feeling sorry for himself as the guards restrained him. He thought to himself. “Ha. I am Lanius. Humans have never remembered quite how to restrain us. Either way, I’m sticking with the others. I feel we may have to commit to piracy to survive this world we’ve been thrown in.”
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Re: Otherwise: An FTL-RP

Postby dyno101 » Thu Feb 01, 2018 1:36 am

As the guards entered the room, Algen was relieved until he heard their message.

"You don't understand, let hem explain. It was a simple request - we were stranded, it was a team operation."

The guards failed to listen. As he was put in his rather boring in-cell constraints, he began to have a strange feeling overtake his mind.

One that had surfaced when the war was raging and his life out of his own hands. The Federation had evacuated him and many civilians from place to place to help them avoid the war. Algen's home and office had been blown to pieces, his employers having to start anew. It wasn't something he had felt in a long while, but something had to be done to act on it. He couldn't access his crew nor could he escape his captivity, so he had one option left.

As a guard walked by, he did the only thing he figured he could do.

"Hey, you there."

"Do you think you have a case to make? Shut up."

"I've got a case for your employers."

"My employment is the Federation, which will soon arrest you."

"Not after.. now, what did that data-pad say.."

"I'm the poster child of this unit. You think there's-"

"Five acts of Class II Piracy? Or that one time left a competing officer in an air-drained airlock room in the heat of an intense battle? I found those reports, you know. Do you figure I'd just leave that data-pad sitting in my back pocket?"

"I never did any of that," he defended, "and you're under Class Omega Fraud at the moment along with all your crew-mates."

"I heard the Federation recently started allowing prisoners to begin Civil and request Criminal cases even while in prison. It helped a lot of innocent inmates find a way out - even a couple set for execution. Or worse."

"They wouldn't possibly allow that in-"

"Three Omega criminals have been proven innocent through trial since the law was changed."

The room was quiet. Thoughts ran through Algen's head, and the guard stood silently, considering.

"What is it you wanted?"

"Get Turzil in here. Give him a decent chance to explain the situation. You're under his command after all."

"I'll.. ask for his orders in a moment here. You're still wrong about what I did."

"His funeral was hosted on A4-2BC4 in a small cemetery near the family's current place of residence. His children were there."

The guard left the room, bound towards General Turzil.

(Algen seemed boring, so I figured I'd give him some interesting trait. Tell me if this post doesn't sound right.)
"There isn't good or bad. There's just insane."