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FTLRP: Rebel Flagship in Danger *open for registerations*

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:39 am
by SciGuy303
The rise of the rebels was clear cut. The federation is in shambles now.
Most people think the rebels won, but it's far from it.
Rumor has spread among the rebels that there is a very powerful ship, heading for the Rebel Flagship, the only vulnerability in the Rebel fleet.
But we are the only ones that take it seriously.
And it's our goal to find and destroy that ship.

This RPG is set in the current standard FTL timeline, except that you are part of the crew of a ship that is trying to hunt down and destroy the ship that is trying to destroy the rebel flagship (that was a mouthful :lol: ). I'll apply a character sheet here:

Physical appearance:

This is my first post, so I hope that enough people see this to take interest in it.

Re: [WIP] FTLRPG: Rebel Flagship in Danger *open for registerations*

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:48 am
by stylesrj
Huh, an RP where you play as the Rebellion. Or at least a bunch of mercenaries (Right? Because the Rebels wouldn't dare have a Mantis or Rock working for their Human-centric ideals.)

Sounds interesting but well... I'm a pro-Federation kind of person. The Space Nazis might have cool ships and spiffy uniforms, but they're the Space Nazis and Nazis are evil.

So let's see...

Name: Marsha Glade
Age: Young
Gender: Female
Species/Race: Human
Physical appearance: Something like my avatar (except without the wings). Young, blonde and likes the colour brown for clothing. Also, athletic in appearance.
Personality: The sort of personality you have when you used to be a programmer for some indie software. Then you get pressed into the Rebellion when they take over your planet and round up skilled personnel, handed a rifle and taken through boot camp before being assigned to some ship. Very much anti-social and introverted.
Skills: Computer Hacking (She did crack a few high-security databases because she wanted to see if she could), Stealth (Again, you might need to get up close to hack those networks).

Basically Marsha is a programmer who only works with the Rebellion because she has to and they would have shot her (or assigned her to hard labour) if she didn't speak up about her computer skills. However deep down she's a Federation sympathiser.

Re: [WIP] FTLRPG: Rebel Flagship in Danger *open for registerations*

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 6:26 am
by SciGuy303
Accepted! (rj you tend to join every RPG on the fourms :lol: )

BTW, I think that we should be a bunch of mercenaries working for the rebellion, not the rebels themselves to allow different races. Also this will not be an IRC type thing, since im 11 and school and all that :mrgreen:
Also any idea what our ship will be?

Re: [WIP] FTLRPG: Rebel Flagship in Danger *open for registerations*

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 8:02 am
by stylesrj
SciGuy303 wrote:Accepted! (rj you tend to join every RPG on the fourms :lol: )

It's a matter of boredom and a yearning for creative arts :lol:

BTW, I think that we should be a bunch of mercenaries working for the rebellion, not the rebels themselves to allow different races. Also this will not be an IRC type thing, since im 11 and school and all that :mrgreen:
Also any idea what our ship will be?

A post by post RP sounds good. Although just to be certain, we are the bad guys right? :D
So we already know about how morally ambiguous our side is.

As for the ship, I was thinking either one of those Corvettes from Captain's Edition with pirate markings (A gift from the Rebels?) or a Rebel Fighter with pirate markings.
Although I am partial to the Slug Assault. Only because I really hate encountering those things. So why wouldn't the crew of the Kestrel/Osprey/Federation Ship fear their presence?

Re: [WIP] FTLRPG: Rebel Flagship in Danger *open for registerations*

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 9:30 am
by 95% Chance
So we're hunters eh? Well, why not? I love RPGs like this and it'll give me a nice break from modding for once!
I like the idea of the Rebels conscripting a mercenary ship because they're worried about that fringe threat on the horizon that, (many times over) seems to come up and bite them in the ass.

Name: Skro
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Species/Race: Slug
Physical appearance: Skro stands at about 6'4" when reared up to full height. He has numerous scars upon his harder dermis as well as some less noticeable ones on the more squishy, malleable bits. As such, he's taken to wearing a specially made suit of body armor designed to take the brunt of impacts, lasers, electricity... Mantis claws, and come out relatively unscathed. However, it relies on the very gel that are present in slug ships, and the gel must be replaced ever so often or the armor will lose functionality. His body color is that of a muted blue on softer bits, and a harsher, darker blue on the resilient dermis.
Personality: Like most Slugs, Skro is in search of profit wherever he can find it. However, unlike most slugs, Skro is a fan of more underhanded means of acquiring these profits (more underhanded than most slugs usually are at least.) Less guile and cunning, more shock and awe, and more violence.
Skills: Skilled with most well known weapons in Federation space, be they ballistic, energy based, explosive, or otherwise. Skilled in hand to hand, to claw, to rock, to whatever combat, despite being a Slug and by extension, somewhat squishy.

Re: [WIP] FTLRPG: Rebel Flagship in Danger *open for registerations*

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 6:40 am
by SciGuy303

By the way, I will be speaking as the AI assistant aboard the ship, but there still has to be a pilot (but I can pilot the ship in emergencies)

Re: [WIP] FTLRPG: Rebel Flagship in Danger *open for registerations*

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 7:28 am
by stylesrj
Well Marsha certainly isn't flying a mercenary ship.
I'm sure Skro wouldn't trust a secret Federation sympathiser to take the helm :D

Re: [WIP] FTLRPG: Rebel Flagship in Danger *open for registerations*

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 8:22 pm
by 95% Chance
stylesrj wrote:Well Marsha certainly isn't flying a mercenary ship.
I'm sure Skro wouldn't trust a secret Federation sympathiser to take the helm :D

Well if she's so secret, would he even know enough to not trust her?

Re: [WIP] FTLRPG: Rebel Flagship in Danger *open for registerations*

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 11:00 pm
by stylesrj
95% Chance wrote:
Well if she's so secret, would he even know enough to not trust her?

It'd be well-known she'd prefer the Federation over the Rebellion. Rebel Boot Camp didn't cover Slug resistance training courses. But since the Federation is on the decline and the Rebels are on the rise, she's resigned to her fate as living under occupation and working with the enemy. I think how she ended up on a mercenary ship should be best explained when the RP starts. I could try something convoluted :lol:.

Also, there would be a source of juicy conflict between the two that probably would enrich the RP experience...

Theoretical conversations might be:
"Try not to disable our shields this time, Human"
"I'm not an idiot, Slug. I hate this ship and all it stands for but I'm not going to get us all killed. Now, go back to your weapons and let me do my job"

Either that or bribes. "Hey I found this power cell for your gel replicator... please don't tell the Captain about my thoughts."

Re: [WIP] FTLRPG: Rebel Flagship in Danger *open for registerations*

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 7:47 am
by SciGuy303

Here is our ship, called 'The Arkangel':
It's basically an extended rebel fighter from Ultramantis's shipyard. I recoloured it to signify it's independance, since we're mercenaries, not Rebels, and changed the MFK eagle to a shield with the letters PAC. And it has the average systems + weapons (Ion Blast + Dual lasers). I'm also working on random events.